Monday, August 27, 2007

Ukrainian landscapes

When people in the West discuss the art of Central and Eastern Europe they tend to call “Russian art” everything they find in Russia as well as in the countries neighboring it such as Ukraine and Byelorussia. However, this is not correct. You will see very distinct differences between Russian and Ukrainian art if you look at landscapes, for example.

Since Ukraine is located to the southwest of Russia its far western and southern parts are different from mainland Russia. In the West Ukraine is known for its Carpathian Mountains landscapes (the same Carpathians that stretch into Romania where the notorious Dracula used to live according to the legends). In the south Ukraine borders the Black Sea the Crimean peninsula sceneries look more like Greece and, probably, Bulgaria than Russia.

If we look at the color palette Ukrainian landscapes have more warm colors: golden, orange, pink, etc. which represent the warmth of the southern sun. You will also find many more seascapes in Ukrainian art than in Russian art.

In our gallery we have several Ukrainian artists exhibited and their works of art will speak louder than words. Here are some of their paintings of Southern Ukraine/Crimea:

Boris Kudryavtsev:

Yuri Kudryavtsev:

More of their beautiful landscapes can be viewed and purchased at

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